UX and UI design: innovations and latest technologies
New needs mean new answers. Let us find out the innovations in UX and UI design world.

In the past two years, the consumer profile has changed in many ways.
Because of time spent at home, the world’s population began to spend more and more time online, yet wanting to have a digital experience that mimics reality.
For user experience and user interface designers, this has meant having to answer to new needs with more functional designs and interfaces.
UX and UI Design
Improve people lives helping them to take full advantage of a product’s possibilities.

The reconfiguration of needs has led to new forms of consumption, and consequently to Touchpoint innovation and development of new technologies.
Technological innovations that UX and UI designers exploit in order to make the user experience more interactive, enjoyable, and performant.
UX and UI design are aimed at the fluidity of the user journey and the needs of the consumer.
To do a complete analysis, one must take in consideration what are the new needs we just spoke about. Secondly, it is necessary to assess what new technologies can help us meet consumer demand.
Therefore, we must ask ourselves:
What feelings do we want to convey? What new needs do we want to fulfil? And which tools enable us to do so?

VR / AR, Metaverse
Forced closures made us to re-evaluate something taken for granted on a daily basis: sociability. Therefore, what people ask is a User Experience that allows them to shorten the distance between eachother.
School, work, shopping, all activities that during the pandemic have completely shifted online and have found a large share of the market here. Thanks also to the convenience of not having to leave the home.
The sudden change in habits has been shocking, but at the same time it has allowed us to discover a new way of living everyday life. Prime example, that of smart working. Enjoying the extra time that was before used to commute, we gained extra hours that we could use as we pleased.
The new habits we have acquired, added to technological innovations, give us the opportunity to make the best of both online and offline. As a result, digital experiences have started to increasingly resemble face-to-face experiences. Essential component? The human touch.
Outcomes of these changes? Live Shopping, the Metaverse and Virtual Reality. Experiences that UI and UX design can make make as similar as possible to the real thing.
Clarity and truthfulness
Microcopy, UX Writing
When we talk about microcopy or UX Writing we refer to those buttons, those phrases, those messages, that invite you to perform an action, that take you by the hand and guide you inside the site you are browsing on, making your User Experience better. The special feature of this new form of copywriting?
A clear and instructional communication.
In an age where interactions are quick and we are bombarded with information, there is no need for frills in writing, but rather clarity. Moreover, a clearer, straight-to-the-point message conveys authenticity. But mind you, this does not mean triviality; even microcopy care in the interface is important to the user experience.
We can make the same kind of argument about offline communication. We can observe our daily lives and the encounters we have on the subway, on the street, or on TV with commercials and billboards. It’s likely that we will come across short and concise communication designed to be impactful and decisive.
If you thought of a particular advertisement at this description, it means that its creators did a good job!
The copywriter, together with web designers and programmers, ensures that the site is user-friendly. For example, through the use of Call To Action Buttons with catchy phrases designed to bring a higher conversion rate.
Another reason for the rise of this trend is the reduction of the Attention Span. Given the many stimuli we are subjected to, our brains are easily bored. Appropriate, straight-to-the-point copy therefore brings the user to the end of the customer journey.

Credit by: Forbes.com
Motion Design, 3D Visuals, Animazioni Scroll-triggered
Emotion, feelings, and emotional engagement: the elements that describe a positive User Experience and keep us glued to the screen.
Maggiori i sentimenti, maggiore l’ingaggio.
To create more compelling storytelling that can strike the right chords with the user, UX and UI designers must consider new elements. Factors grouped by one of their characteristics, motion, and all pointing to the same goal: enabling consumer immersion in the digital experience.
3D Visuals, which used to be discarded because of page loading weight, are now making a comeback. User experience and User Interface designers can include highly detailed 3D objects or tours, with shadows and animations, for a more real and engaging experience.
Big room also for Scroll-triggered animations created to surprise the user. Today’s Users, with the lowest attention span ever, need to be constantly entertained. Moving design creates a fun and exhilarating experience and a memorable story telling.
We cannot ignore our human nature
Trends in the technological and digital spheres mirror the process pushing in the direction of valuing the individual. User asks about the possibility of having an experience inspired by his needs.
The most important aspect, one time more, is being human. No lies, no mince words, no pompous formulas, and no filters; for a direct and clean communication.